It's Me Again!


Thursday, August 28, 2008


Ok so Miriam started Pre-K last week & this is her first full week of school! I thought I would cry or flip out when she wasn't here, but I did ok! I think it is because she was ok with it, the first day of school she kept asking me if it was time for me to leave, I wondered if she was worried about me leaving since she kept asking, but when her teacher walked in she jumped up & said "Bye mom, I love you" & she took off! So that let me know right there she was ready & it was time for me to let go! We have both had to make mager schedule changes & it is a little tiring, but over all we are both doing really good!

Monday, May 12, 2008

Dropping Slowly Now.

I am down 40 lbs , but it is getting harder to drop. The weight is coming off very slowly now. I knew this would happen I have been expecting it & just hoping it would'nt happen. "PLATEAU"
I just have to keep on keeping on!

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Yeah Baby!

Down 35 LBS!

Monday, March 17, 2008

Thats right! Down 30 LBS!