It's Me Again!


Wednesday, April 18, 2007

christian glitter graphics myspace code christian images
Christian Glitter by

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Spring O Spring!

I am soooooo tiered of this weather. I am ready for spring temps to come back!!!!! I miss my sandals & flip flops; I miss going outside to play with Miriam. The weather said it is suppose to start warming back up this week so I hope it does. Any how I am just sitting here waiting for calls. I am working, but it is pretty slow this morning compared to yesterday. I have about an hr to go before I break for lunch & then I get back on for a couple more hrs while Miriam naps. Then off again until after Ryan & Miriam go to bed. I seem to be the busiest during that time. Ok I am just rambling now so I am gonna go, Blog ya later!