It's Me Again!


Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Judgment House/My cousin Bridget!!

Tonight is the night, I am so excited!!!! I have wanted to go to the judgment house for years, but never had anyone to go with or never new exactly when or where it was, I would only hear about it after the fact; when it was over. I am also excited because My cousin Bridget is on her way to my house from Alabama right now. She had been planning on coming for the weekend to be here for Miriam's B-day party, but then when I told her about the judgment house she wanted to come early so she could go. I am praying that she will be touched by the message because she is lost. My heart aches for all those who are lost, but Bridget (like Toby) hold a special place in my heart, and it aches for them to get right with God. Bridget is not just my cousin she is also my best friend. (along w/Toby) We use to be really close when we were young because we were the only two girls in the family close in age, then when she became a teenager she got mixed up with the wrong crowd, dropped out of school and started doing some very, very hard & deadly drugs. Finally when she was 19 she called us for help. She moved to Tennessee, and we became close again. Then she moved away to Alabama with her Boyfriend & they had a baby (Emily) Ever since Emily has been born, Bridget & I have become even closer, We talk to each other every day during the week & I went dwn there last month for Emily's 1 st B-day.
Since we have been talking so much she has begun to ask me questions about the Bible & seems to be interested in hearing about it. She will watch the news & then call me the next day to tell me what she saw and say "isn't that a end times sign?") I know God is working in her life and I am grateful, I just hope she will give her heart to Him before it is too late. Please pray for her, and also me that I may be a light to her while she is here this week.


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