It's Me Again!


Thursday, September 22, 2005

New Hair!!!

Today is the day. I will be going to my stylist & getting my hair fixed. I sacrifice my hair for my swimming pool every summer, I cant help it I love the water, but the chemicals & the sun reek havoc on my hair. Anyway I have finally decided on a new style & I am going back to my natural hair color (reddish brown) I am so over the streaked looked, I am tiered of keeping it up.

So the hair style I have picked is not a drastic change, but it is something that I haven't done before, I will be loosing my security blanket which are my bangs, I have had my bangs across my forehead all of my life, I have never been brave enough to change them, well today is the day!!!!!!! In this style my bangs will be swept over to the side AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

Ok now that I got that out, I am ready to do it this time, I have made up my mind, it is time for a change, I am trying to lose weight, so I am going to change this too!!! (Pray for Me)

I need to love myself more, Ryan is always getting onto me for putting myself down, he will tell me I look nice & I will say "yeah & fat"! I want to like myself so this is the beginning, I have a pretty strong will power (with Gods help) I know if I was able to stop smoking, that I will be able to do this, I have too.

When I get back from my hair appointment I will share the experience & my hair style.
Wish me luck!


At September 27, 2005 7:06 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

your hair looks good! I know the feeling..trastic change, like 10" worth- losing weight bit, I think I still can use pregnancy excuse for a few more months. atleast, through the holidays..hahah ;-)


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