It's Me Again!


Tuesday, April 25, 2006

HELLO, is there anybody out there???

So what is going on, I have noticed that no one is really bloggin all that much any more. I am lonely in blog world. I am in the middle of cooking stuffed shells for 7 tonight. Plus I have a house full of kids.... Yes I am a multi tasker. I cant wait for my pool to go up I am hoping to get it up this weekend weather permitting. My granny is in the hospital she had that terrible virus two weekends ago & still hasn't completely gotten over it so they had to admit her, for phenomena. Keep her in your prayers. Also remember Ryan's pop he is having knee replacement surgery.
When I see how much "older" people have to go to the doctor & have all these pains & problems I just want to stay young forever. Who doesn't!!! Any way enough of that gloominess.
I hope to see more bloggin I miss you guys! TTFN

Friday, April 21, 2006


Well, guys I think I am finally over my virus. I missed Miriam's first Easter & everything, because I was soooooooooo sick! I am thankful to be among the living again. I absolutely hate being sick especially when I am hurling, YUKE! Anyhow I have been helping a little with our 10 year class reunion & I had to not only break the news about John, today I had to send out another email to the committee about Chris Stoner. That make 3 of our class that we know of who have passed. On a positive note, I have been asked to get something to bring to the reunion as a remembrance of John, can you guess what I am going to take???? The DVD! John is still witnessing to lost friends even now! I am very excited to be able to help even if it is just in a small way! So you guys remember to pray that at least one person (hopefully more) from the reunion will be touched through the DVD & come to the Lord!

Well, gotta go later bloggers.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Happy Easter!

glitter graphics

Tuesday, April 04, 2006


Hey guys I had a episode today with someone that really irritated me. With out going into to much detail lets just say this person gave me some very unnecessary attitude for no reason. It mad me very ill, but i held my tongue (not easy for me) Anyway I just don't understand why some people feel it necessary to act that way, when they don't get their way. When things like that happen I just try to think "What would Jesus do" well I know the answer he would just love them. I am definitely not Jesus so I have to compromise & just keep my mouth shut. I am doing a lot better with that, I use to just go off & tell you exactly what I thought about you, but with God's help I am able to control myself. Now don't get me wrong it still really urks me when people act that way especially when they claim to be a Christian, but I know no one is perfect so thank God for the will power & patients He has given me.
On another note can you believe spring is finally here!!!!!!!! I wish it was a little warmer, but atleast it isn't freezing out. Easter is just around the corner I got myself an outfit & shoes on Saturday for Easter, I cant wait to wear it, that's funny I know, but I am a big fan of fashion , or I should say my style of fashion (hehe). Ok well I better go talk to you latter bloggers.