It's Me Again!


Tuesday, April 25, 2006

HELLO, is there anybody out there???

So what is going on, I have noticed that no one is really bloggin all that much any more. I am lonely in blog world. I am in the middle of cooking stuffed shells for 7 tonight. Plus I have a house full of kids.... Yes I am a multi tasker. I cant wait for my pool to go up I am hoping to get it up this weekend weather permitting. My granny is in the hospital she had that terrible virus two weekends ago & still hasn't completely gotten over it so they had to admit her, for phenomena. Keep her in your prayers. Also remember Ryan's pop he is having knee replacement surgery.
When I see how much "older" people have to go to the doctor & have all these pains & problems I just want to stay young forever. Who doesn't!!! Any way enough of that gloominess.
I hope to see more bloggin I miss you guys! TTFN


At April 26, 2006 12:21 PM, Blogger Hopes Ganma said...

I am still here reading just not posting since right now typing is not easy at the moment.

At May 02, 2006 8:04 AM, Blogger Andrea~Erin said...

Why are you having problems typing?


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