It's Me Again!


Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Miriam & stuff

Yesterday we went to sign some paper work with Miriam's Lawyer. We are one step closer to getting this all finalized. We are now waiting for a court date so that we can finally be done. The lawyer said that we sould be done before the end of the year, lets hope he is right!!

Anyhow I took the day off yesterday to go to the dentist, but would you believe my luck, they called and canceled on me, can you believe a doctor canceled an appointment!! That has never happen to me before. They want me to reschedule, but I told them " It is really hard for me to take a day off, its not like I can just call in to the boss and say; hey I need the day off". I am the boss which means I have to plan at least a month in advance to find someone or give the parents enough time to find someone to watch the Daycare kids for me. I also have to make arrangements for Miriam since her daddy sleeps during the day. Doctors don't care about that stuff they just want you to drop everything & come in when it is convenient for them, ahhhhhhh! That is one of the reasons I quit nursing school & stopped working in the medical field I do not like doctors!
Ok well enough of that.
I did take the opportunity to finish my Christmas shopping. I had everything done, except that I waited to buy some stuff for Miriam thinking that Ryan would want to help, well he didn't so I just went ahead & finished it myself now I am done with Christmas except for the gift card I have to get to mail to Ohio to Ryan's fam, that can wait until right before Christmas.

I still haven't been able to upload pictures to my blog so I have decided just not to do it anymore, it is starting to get on my last nerve & I hate that kind of stress so I am done (for now)

Oh I forgot to tell you When I was at Walmart yesterday there was a big sign that said 47 more shopping days until Christmas!!!!! Today would be 46 more days, less than two months! Are you ready?????

Ok guys I am gonna go have some lunch now, Blog ya later.


At November 08, 2005 11:04 AM, Blogger Joy said...

NOPE! NOT READY!! hahaha!!


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