It's Me Again!


Sunday, January 22, 2006


I am soooo sleepy today, I don't know if it is because of the rain or just because I haven't been sleeping well lately. Anyhow I have been contiplating going to see a chiropractor because my neck & my shoulders have been hurting me bad lately (which is why I cant sleep well) I don't know about chiropractors even though my sister & my mom love going to theirs. I worked for one once & I just am not sure about them. If any one can recommend one let me know, like I said I am considering it.

On another note the Lord I think has been dealing with me about singing again, I don't mind it so much anymore, but I still have stage fright. I guess that is something you never truly get over.

Ok so enough rambling, I plan to post my recipe for Chicken Parmesan tomorrow, I hope the shells were good for anyone who attempted them.
As Trish would say TTFN!


At January 23, 2006 4:46 AM, Blogger Hopes Ganma said...

The guys here all loved the recipe you posted for the Stuffed shells. I can't wait to try your Chicken Parmesan.

At January 23, 2006 8:16 AM, Blogger Andrea~Erin said...

Great I am glad it turned out good for you!


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