It's Me Again!


Friday, February 24, 2006

In Memory of My Dear Friend John

John has been one of my best friends since we were 15 years old. We have been through a lot together, highschool, graduation, heart breaks, laughs, marriage, kids, & most important turning our lives over to the Lord. John was the first of "our crew" to get saved and turn his life around, He was the light that showed me the way. When you have known & loved someone as long as I have loved John it is easy to see the change in them, but John was special. He loved bigger & cared more for people than anyone I have ever known. He was truly the example by which I believe God wants all of us to be. Having John in my life has been one of the most precious blessing that God could have ever given me, and I know that anyone who knew John must feel the same. I know that John is in heaven with God now, the one thing he always wanted more than anything else was to be with his Savior. I will miss you John, but I know deep in my heart that I will see you again one day. For all the love, hope & friendship you have given me, I am forever grateful.


glitter graphics

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Starting Over

Our family is starting over, as many of you know Ryan's old place of employment decided they were going to have to "down size" if they were going to stay in business, so they laid off over 40 people including Ryan. They laid off all of their highest paid employees "big surprise"! You can only imagine what a huge shock this was to me especially with us right in the middle of buying a new home! I never for one moment thought that we weren't going to be able to make it, or that Ryan couldn't find another job, I know that because I knew God would provide. But still somehow it was still extremely overwhelming. We were going to have to start over, after 8 years of marriage & 6 years with that company it was just over, no warning, just gone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It just amazes me at the peace & security God provides, if this had happen to us & we were lost I would have freaked out & lost it, but because we are not lost, We are children of God even though I was in shock for the first two days, I never felt like we couldn't make it. I just knew that we would!

Thank God for the security & peace he provides to his children & thank God that he provides all our needs! I am very grateful & yet still so unworthy!

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Happy Valentines Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We have sold our house!!!!! As long as al the financing goes through it is a done deal! Also we have found a house & every thing is going good with that too, we are suppose to close on both houses on March 15th not very long! YIKES! Keep us in your prayers. Hope everyone has a great Day!

Monday, February 06, 2006

Busy; Busy!

Sorry I haven't blogged lately guys, I have been so busy with all the realtors & mortgage people, Ryan's not feeling well, I finally got him to agree to go to the dentists, he has an appointment today at three, so hopeful they will be able to take care of his problem & he can begin to feel better. I have also had a new child start daycare this week (Miriam's cousin) the first 2 weeks are always the hardest on the new comer, especially when they have never been to daycare before.
Any how I need to go make some more phone calls to our(possible) mortgage guy so talk to you later.

I will give you guys an up date on the house we are interested in, we are suppose to go see it again tonight & possibly , put in our bid. Pray for us! Thanks guys.