It's Me Again!


Monday, July 31, 2006


I am having a typical Monday with one extra bonus, my monthly visitor, yeah! I hate this time of the month & the first few day are always the worse. I will never understand why some women are tortured more than others by this, & I of course am one of the overly tortured! I had a friend in school who never had cramps & hers only lasted about three days. I was so mad about that I always thought that was so unfair. I have always thought that when us women get to heaven God is going to have to have Eve hidden or she will get beat down for putting us through this. haha! Ok enough of that I am sure that is not what everyone wanted to hear about today. I really don't have a lot to blog about the kids are playing inside today because I have one that was diagnosed with asthma on Friday & has to take breathing treatments every 4 hrs, so I am not going to risk her having an attack on me outside. I figure after I see how see does today we can go out tomorrow. I don't really want to go out today myself for obvious reasons which we wont discuss again. I do howerver have a prayer request since Ryan has started this new job only he & Miriam have medical insurance. This is a bit of a problem. I am really suppose to keep up with my womanly check ups, but I cant do it with out insurance & right now I cant really afford to get my own. So just keep that in your prayers for me. Lord willing I wont get sick or anything serious before I can find some way to get insurance. Well I gotta go Blog ya later!

Monday, July 24, 2006

My week/weekend

Hey guys sorry I haven't blogged in a while. I have been very busy, my mom has been out of town since Wednesday with my sister, so I have been taking care of things around her house as well as looking out for my Granny. So I have been keeping up with my house my job & hers. Busy, Busy, Busy! Anyhow I am looking into training to get back into the medical field. I went to some nursing school several years ago, got my CNT license & decided I didn't really like it, so I quit. Anyhow I am planning on training to Do Medical Billing/coding. I can train from home & work from home. I really wanted to find something like that for when Miriam starts school so I could be home for her & our family. I know lots of mothers have to work, & I don't think there is a thing wrong with it, but for me I would just rather be home. I have always been a "home-maker" type. I am pretty excited about it, have no idea how long it will take me to get my degree since I will be doing it from home at my own pace. I am getting burned out on the daycare, don't get me wrong I love what I do, but it is very hard to keep business, kids grow up & go to school & some just leave. Sometimes I have a full load of kids all the time & sometimes I go through dry spells, that makes the money around here very tight. So I think it is time to start looking towards something new. Well, I guess I am just rambling now so I will go.
Blog ya Later!

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Hey guys! How are things? I am doing pretty good, I went to the country for my B-day it was nice to get away. I did however miss church, it has been two weeks since I have been. You don't realize how much you miss it until you haven't been. I hate missing church, but my papaw is old & sick so I want to visit with him as much as I can before he is gone. Anyhow I am glad it is Wednesday the work week is half over yea! I think I am going to try to get in my pool today, I haven't been in it for almost two weeks. I am ready for some pool relaxation. I love summer I think it is my favorite season! Well, I gotta go fix lunch for the kids so "peace out"!
(as Miriam would say)

Friday, July 07, 2006

My tattoo!

Yes, I got it! Here is a picture of my new tattoo, it is on my back so I cant really see it without a mirror, but I had Bridget take a picture of it for me so I could show you guys.
In case you are wondering the tail of the butterfly says Miriam Millicent. That was a tribute to my baby girl & my daddy who passed away on July 9th 1984 when he was 29 yrs old. Tomorrow July 8th I will be exactly 29 yrs old! God Bless!

Wednesday, July 05, 2006


I hope everyone had a good holiday, Ryan had family in town so we spent most of our time with them. It is a very dreary day today which is making me even more sleepy than I already am. I am planning on going out of town this weekend if the car gets repaired tomorrow like we are hoping it will. I have the slight head ache starting this morning, I hate that! Well, I guess I am just rambling because I cant think of anything to say. Oh I did watch "Failure to Launch" yesterday w/ Matthew Mchonhey (have no idea how to spell last name) Anyway if you haven't seen it it is great, I liked it not to mention Matthew is Hot!!!!!! ok well rent it it is a good chick flick. Gotta go!