It's Me Again!


Monday, July 24, 2006

My week/weekend

Hey guys sorry I haven't blogged in a while. I have been very busy, my mom has been out of town since Wednesday with my sister, so I have been taking care of things around her house as well as looking out for my Granny. So I have been keeping up with my house my job & hers. Busy, Busy, Busy! Anyhow I am looking into training to get back into the medical field. I went to some nursing school several years ago, got my CNT license & decided I didn't really like it, so I quit. Anyhow I am planning on training to Do Medical Billing/coding. I can train from home & work from home. I really wanted to find something like that for when Miriam starts school so I could be home for her & our family. I know lots of mothers have to work, & I don't think there is a thing wrong with it, but for me I would just rather be home. I have always been a "home-maker" type. I am pretty excited about it, have no idea how long it will take me to get my degree since I will be doing it from home at my own pace. I am getting burned out on the daycare, don't get me wrong I love what I do, but it is very hard to keep business, kids grow up & go to school & some just leave. Sometimes I have a full load of kids all the time & sometimes I go through dry spells, that makes the money around here very tight. So I think it is time to start looking towards something new. Well, I guess I am just rambling now so I will go.
Blog ya Later!


At July 25, 2006 7:08 AM, Blogger Hopes Ganma said...

Good luck Andrea, I know you can do it.


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