It's Me Again!


Wednesday, October 25, 2006


There is a great new search engine called
"Cha Cha" Not only can you search out things on the net you can also use a guide ( a live person) to do all your searching for you!! You should really try it, it is neat!

Monday, October 23, 2006


Did you ever wonder what "sorry" looks like??

Monday, October 16, 2006


myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics

Rain, rain go away! I always hate rainy days. You know that song "Rainy days & Mondays always get me down"? Well it is both today. Anyhow I really don't have much to blog about, I had a pretty busy & tiresome weekend. We had to move Miriam into her new room on Friday & on Saturday Ryan had to go to the country to help move my grannys things out of storage & bring them back here to store. Miriam inherited a "big girl bed" & I inherited a Wardrobe & a chair. The wardrobe is about 80 yrs old or older. I am also suppose to get another quilt, but we haven't unpacked every thing yet so I haven't gotten that yet. Any how I spent most of Saturday with my granny & then trying to restore the wardrobe the best I could. Sunday Ryan & I were so tiered & sore that we weren't even able to make it to church, but luckily we were feeling better that evening & went to the evening service. I went to bed to late last night & I am sooooooo tiered, I think I am gonna try to go to bed early tonight. Ok so I guess I am gonna go. God Bless!

Tuesday, October 10, 2006


We have been married 9 years today! We have been together for a long time. We have been together for 13 years! Most of you know our story so I wont go into that. This is an extra special anniversary for us because we are pregnant!

Anyway I just wanted to say Happy Anniversary to my hubby! I love you Eeyore! I hope we have many, many, many more years to come!

Monday, October 09, 2006

Yes, I changed the background again! I think this one suits me for now!

Friday, October 06, 2006


myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics
Ok so most of you know by now that Ryan & I are pregnant, what you don't know is that we don't have any insurance!!!! When Ryan lost his job from Shop at Home we also lost our insurance. With his new job only Him & Miriam have insurance, he wasn't able to cover me. Well, yesterday I tried to get Tenncare, but I probably wont get it. They told me yesterday that Ryan made to much money HA! YEAH RIGHT! Basically what they told me with out actually saying it was "Since Ryan & I had worked hard all our adult lives to obtain & maintain a house & cars that we had assets to sell for the money we needed to have this baby!!!!!" So if I sell my house I can afford to have the baby, but I wont have a home to bring the baby to when it is born! IDIOTS! What kind of example is our government setting for our children? Let me tell you, If you work hard & pay all your bills & your taxes you are an upstanding American, but if at anytime you have a hard time & need the governments help you can forget it! You are not worthy of their help!

Now let me tell you who is worthy(and this in no way is predjudice, but it is accurate) Anyone who decided that they would rather have a bunch of kids out of wedlock can get welfare & assistance. Anyone who decideds that they are to good to work (really they are lazy) Can get assistance because they are "unemployed" Any immigrant that has entered this country illegally or even legally is eligible for government assistance. Anyone who is addicted to drugs is eligible (they have money for drugs, but not for food or insurance) Anyone who just goes in there & lies about their living situation gets it! Does this sound right to you????? I don't thinks so! Basically they are setting the example of be lazy, do drugs, lie, cheat,& steal & the government will take care of you. Now I know some of the people who get government assistance really need it, but it is a small%. I plan on e-mailing my "Leaders" & I encourage all parents to do the same. I know it doesn't seem like we can do much or change anything, but this is a voting season & I think it is time that the "Leaders" heard what good Christian parents think! Anyway that is my vent for the day. I know that this is all in Gods hands, & I firmly and faithfully believe that no matter what happens with this situation that God will take care of Me, the baby & my family & somehow He will provide what we need to afford this. Keep us in your prayers, God Bless!

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

YIKES !!!!!!

This is a little scary to think about, but I just had to share it with you guys! The other day I was joking with Ryan about "What if we have twins"? We both kinda giggled, but knew that we would be terrified if that were to happen! Then the other day I had someone ask me how far along I was & when I told them they said "you look like you are might have twins" Of course I took that to mean I was fat. Then I was looking at myself in the mirror & realized that I seem to have gotten a little bigger in the middle (seems a little early for that) anyhow yesterday Ryan told me my cousin told him that we were gonna have twins! Ok so now I have twins on the brain, the thing that is so scary about this is that twins run ramped in my family! Yep, we have 5 sets of twins in my family maybe more that I don't know about! The twin curse has hit every generation so far; the last one to have twins that I am aware of was my second cousin. She had her twins about 4 years ago. I am hoping that she is the twin carrier for our generation & my sisters kids (twin sisters) will be the next twin barer generation! Now don't get me wrong I wouldn't be upset if we had twins, but I would probably loose my mind! Ok well enough of that I am sure you all probably got a good laugh out of this post so until next time, God Bless!

Monday, October 02, 2006


So today was my "confirmation" appt with the Doctor, basically they gave me a pregnancy test and then told me I was pregnant! (Already knew that) Anyway the nurse said that I was about 6 weeks along give or take a few days it isn't an exact science. The baby is due on or around June 3, 2007! I was given prenatal vitamins & told to make my first prenatal apt asap! So that is pretty much it! You now know what I know. Other than some of the symptoms I am experiencing I am feeling pretty normal. I feel pretty good about this pregnancy, ofcourse I will feel even better when I have seen the Doctor! Anyhow I will keep you all informed! God Bless!