It's Me Again!


Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Patience is a Virtue, Virtue is a Grace, put them all together & it makes a Happy face

I have been waiting since September for this new work from home job to take off so that I could quit daycare. It seems like it is taking forever to get there, but each day I get a little closer. I have been working 2 jobs since right after Christmas, I am really tiered & ready to go back to just 1 job. I just have to be patient for a little while longer & I know God will work it out. I just have to wait for one more thing to fall into place. Any how just keep this in prayers for me guys.
Thanks, Blog ya later!

Friday, January 26, 2007

Blah, Blah, Blah!

Dont really have alot to blog about, I did go to the Doctor on Monday & they sent me to a specialist. I found out that I have a blood clotting disorder which is a probable cause of not being able to carry a baby to term. They are going to run more test to be sure that my "levels" arent so high that I will have to take blood thinners for the rest of my life, but if I were to get pregnant again I would most likely have to have a blood thinning shots every month. Sounds wonderful huh! I guess I could be angry about this, but what is the point! I have gone through that whole "It is not right that all these ppl who dont even want kids can have them, but me who wants one so bad cant have one". Dont get me wrong I still dont think it is fair, but who ever said life was fair right!?! Any how I am now in the mode of trying to be happy & thankful with what God has given me, cause life is to short to be angry! And on that note, have a GREAT day guys!!!!

myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Just a little note!

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Happy Birthday Joy !!!!!

myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

My Daddy!

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

My Daddy!

Yesterday would have been my daddys 52 b-day! His name was Millicent Lowell Pierce, he is my hero! He did his best to raise a young child (myself) on his own after my biological mother left us when I was only one yr old. My daddy passed away July 9th 1984 exactly one day after my 7th Birthday. He was involved in a deadly motorcycle accident. Even though I dont remember alot about him, I remember enough to know he loved me more than anything else in this world & thats why he is a HERO!

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Ho Hum!

So I am just sitting here, doing the L/O thing. That is the company I take calls & palce orders for over the computer, it is sooooooo slow right now, which means I am not making any money urrrggggg! Anyhow I havent posted in a while so I thought what the heck, I dont really have anything to say, but I am bored so I will just ramble! I still have an hr to go before I can log of this computer & that will give me 12 straight hrs of work for today! Thats not bad considering I normally work about 14 to 15 hrs a day! Thats right I work alot! I wish I didnt have to work at all, but thats life, (ITS ALL SHOP AT HOMES FAULT FOR CLOSING & LAYING EVERYONE OFF! I COULD HAVE BEEN A WORK FREE WOMEN IF IT WERENT FOR THEM!!!!) Ok I feel better I just have to rant about that every once in a while! Ok so now what to talk about, hmmmmmm, I know what is up with all this scrapbooking stuff? You all seem to be into it. I just cant seem to figure out what all the excitment is about! Explain it to me. Ok well I guess I have rambled enough so I am gonna go, Blog ya Later!