It's Me Again!


Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Ho Hum!

So I am just sitting here, doing the L/O thing. That is the company I take calls & palce orders for over the computer, it is sooooooo slow right now, which means I am not making any money urrrggggg! Anyhow I havent posted in a while so I thought what the heck, I dont really have anything to say, but I am bored so I will just ramble! I still have an hr to go before I can log of this computer & that will give me 12 straight hrs of work for today! Thats not bad considering I normally work about 14 to 15 hrs a day! Thats right I work alot! I wish I didnt have to work at all, but thats life, (ITS ALL SHOP AT HOMES FAULT FOR CLOSING & LAYING EVERYONE OFF! I COULD HAVE BEEN A WORK FREE WOMEN IF IT WERENT FOR THEM!!!!) Ok I feel better I just have to rant about that every once in a while! Ok so now what to talk about, hmmmmmm, I know what is up with all this scrapbooking stuff? You all seem to be into it. I just cant seem to figure out what all the excitment is about! Explain it to me. Ok well I guess I have rambled enough so I am gonna go, Blog ya Later!


At January 03, 2007 2:48 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

scrappin' is the best thing to preserve your pics and tell a story- There is a Creative Memories Party coming up on Jan 19th at 6:30 if you'd like to attend- I haven't quite sent out invites yet, but anyway there is ALOT a people at church wanting to start scrappin!

At January 04, 2007 1:50 PM, Blogger Andrea~Erin said...

Sounds interesting maybe I will come & see what it is all about. Where is the party?


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