It's Me Again!


Friday, March 02, 2007


In about 2 hrs I will be from daycare forever! I am very excited, now I can try to do more of the things I have wanted to do ,like spend more time with Miriam & Ryan. Have more free time to spend with other family & hopefully even learn to scrap & be part of the Scrappin' Sisters! Ryan & I are taking a step out on faith, believing that this is Gods will & everything will be ok. Hopefully I will get to spend more time with my church sisters, I really have missed having adult female friends. I know that sounds pitiful, but when all you do is work with kids for 6 yrs for 60 hr + per week its hard to have time for much else! Anyhow I am free now; "Free at last free at last, thank God almighty I am free at last!"


At March 03, 2007 6:24 AM, Blogger Hopes Ganma said...

I know the feeling Andrea it is going on 16 years of babysitting for me. And it is amazing the amount of friends you have that turn out to be kids and the ones that are adults. Glad everything is going good for you all, you are all in our prayers. Love ya.

At March 03, 2007 8:28 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

YES! It is finally here! I am so happy for you...Let me know when you want to learn to scrp--I know a great Creative memories lady to teach ya...;-)


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