It's Me Again!


Tuesday, March 27, 2007


Ok well it is late, 11:41 pm & I am on the comp. working (if my thoughts get jumbled its because I am taking calls while I am trying to post) I still have about an hr to go before I get off. Anyhow these days it seems like I am just posting for my self, just to have something to pass the time because no one seems to blog anymore! So I guess i will just continue to ramble to myself. Anyhow I am so glad it is finally warming up! I am getting ready to clean out my pool & get it ready for summer; I cant wait!!!! I love to bask in the sun. I just love the sun!

So not looking forward to next week I have to help my mom paint the house! AHHH, now let me explain why this is going to SUCK! for obvious reasons of course, but to work with my mom on anything is a job in it self! She is extremely picky, judgmental & stands over your shoulder & dictates every move you make!!!!!! I am totally serious! Ok enough of that if I think about it to much I might have a break down! LOL!!!

Ok well I guess I have rambled enough it has taken me about 30 minutes to type this post because of calls coming in so I am gonna go! TTFN!


At March 27, 2007 6:45 PM, Blogger Hopes Ganma said...

Sorry about not posting lately but just haven't seemed to been much in the mood lately. I do read and look at all posters everyday though. Maybe one day soon I will be in the mood again. But keep posting, it gives me something to read each day.

At March 28, 2007 3:38 AM, Blogger Joy said...

I'm reading them too! Keep 'em coming! :)

At March 28, 2007 11:18 AM, Blogger Andrea~Erin said...

ok guys!


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