It's Me Again!


Friday, September 02, 2005


I just have to say that the gas prices are ridiculous, I mean come on how do they expect the people who are not rich to continue to pay over $3.00 a gallon and continue to work & pay their bills????? I read a press release today that the government was getting ready to release 60million barrels of gas from reserves, and that they were gonna sell it to the highest bidder.

Well is this not going to make the gas prices even higher? I mean duh, when the highest bidder sells this gas they are going to "stick it" to the consumer (us). How are we suppose to live this way?

I know they are saying that this is Katrinas fault and I am sure that it is partly to blame, but come on people gas has been going up all year. We were warned before Katrina that gas prices were gonna stay on the rise, we need to ask ourselves are we really going to take this?

I know I personally can not afford to put $25.00 in my tank (and that's for a small sedan) that I use to be able to fill up at $10.00 to $12.00. If gas prices are going up than are our jobs going to give us cost of living raises? I mean hello!!!!! That is only fair, they need us to come into work to make their business run & make money, without us what will happen?


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