It's Me Again!


Monday, December 05, 2005


Hello fellow bloggers, I really don't have anything interesting to post so I figured I would just do a little babbling. Yesterday I went to Church & then went to Mario & Jackie's for Mckayla's
B-day party, It was your typical child's party, I also helped Jackie to get started on blogger as many of you have discovered by now. I still have to show her how to manipulate html so she can make her blog her own, but for now she knows the basics. Today has been a typical Monday, no real excitement! Miriam & I am going out of town this weekend to do the Christmas thing with Papaw & Nana Mary, that will be fun! Papaw live on a farm out in the middle of the country in a little town called Waynesboro, I love the counrty so I always enjoy going to visit. I have also confirmed with Papaw that he has the sacks we need for the play! Anyhow we have play practice tonight, I don't really have any parts to learn, I will be singing, but I am still slightly nervous, I have a small problem with stage fright or performance fright whatever you want to call it, and the song I am singing is a little out of my vocal range so I am having to manipulate a few of the notes to fit my octave range. For those of you who don't sing & have no idea what I just said, it was; The songs to high, have to sing it lower! Ok well I could continue to bore you guys, but I guess you have been punished enough (he he) Blog ya later!


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