It's Me Again!


Monday, November 28, 2005

Monday! Bah hum bug

Well, once again it is Monday! I know that you guys are aware of this but I just thought I might grind the knife a little farther!!!! Anyhow Had a good Thanksgiving, on Thursday I cooked dinner for me, Ryan & Miriam, as well as put up our tree, then I went to my moms for a short visit, then to Ryan's moms for a visit. Then on Friday I went shopping, I however refuse to get up early & I still got what I went for on sale!!! Then I went grocery shopping, went back to Ryan's moms & Saturday I just hung out, cleaned house, did laundry ext. Then Sunday went to Church & back to Ryan's mom's for our Thanksgiving feast with them. Ryan & Mario's Pop was in town & it was the first time he & Miriam have seen each other, she took to him very well!

Ok so now we are back to Monday BAH HUM BUG!
Anyway I have some really good pic's to share with you guys if I could only get my stupid blog to coroperate, AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!
Ok got that out, hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving!! C-ya


At November 29, 2005 10:55 AM, Blogger Joy said...

I bet the pictures that you are trying to load are too big. Try to shrink them down somehow, then try again! :)

At November 29, 2005 11:02 AM, Blogger Andrea~Erin said...

I have tried everything, but I will try again! Thanks
When is the next play practice???


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