It's Me Again!


Tuesday, November 29, 2005


Some of you may know that I have been on a diet for about two months now. I am doing very well with it right now. I even did good during Thanksgiving, now I just need to make it through Christmas!!!!! I am determined to get back to the size I was when Ryan & I were married. I still have a ways to go, but I am on the right track! If any of you are wondering I have lost almost 20 pounds.... What my seceret????? Well, first & foremost Gods help, secondly Very, Very, Low Calorie in take & exercise!!!!!!!! I try to burn 250 to 300 calories a day! Absolutely NO SWEETS!!!!!!!! That's right, none. I assure you this diet takes a great deal of will power. The first few weeks you will have mood swings, because your body is not use to you taking in low calorie's, but it does work My mom is a diettion (that is someone who tells people what to eat to be healthy & loose weight.) This is not a crash diet, this is a life style change & that is the key to any successful diet! Just think about it this way, When you got Saved did you continue to live the same life you did before you were saved? No, you had a life style change! Same principle with a successful diet! This change will not only help you to loose the weight, but keep it off!!!! Good luck to all my fellow dieters who ever you may be, & remember with Gods help anything is possible!!!!


At December 01, 2005 11:09 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

I am right there with ya.. I joined the YMCA on Mon, Nov 21..worked out for two days then had a break for the holidays. I have been everday this week and I am ALSO doing low calorie- no sweets..You are doing good! Hopefully, I will be right behind ya.

At December 02, 2005 9:11 AM, Blogger Andrea~Erin said...

Good Luck To you!


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