It's Me Again!


Friday, January 06, 2006


Hey guys, I had an experience that I just had to share with you all.

I have been reading the "Left Behind Series" for a few years, I have really enjoyed all the books, then I got to book 12 "The Glorious Appearing" & it has taken me longer to read this book than any of the others. I have no idea why, but I will read it for awhile then put it down & wont pick it back up for months at a time.
(this is not like me) Anyhow I recently decided I was going to finish this book no matter what. (I am only a few chapters from the end) I was reading it last night &
I just lost it, I started crying. I am at a part where Jesus has already come down from heaven & has defeated the devil; in the part where I began to cry Jesus is talking to the remnant (those who are children of God during this time) & Jesus is talking to them all at the same time, but to them it feels like He is only speaking to them personally or individually in their own language. He was telling them all that He loved them unconditionally, and they were worthy of His love.

I knew this was going to be hard to explain, but it just touched me so much to know that one day Jesus is going to be speaking to us & telling us those same very things!
I know that all Christians already know that Jesus loves us that much, but can you imagine actually hearing it come straight from the mouth of the Lord?
I am truly unworthy of this honor, but in Jesus's eyes I am worthy! AMEN!!!

I highly recommend these books to anyone who enjoys reading, I know all the beliefs in this book are not the same as all Christians, but the message it gives is the same. Accept Jesus as your personal Savior, or be Left Behind.


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