It's Me Again!


Thursday, March 30, 2006

Man, this has been a long week, I keep thinking it is Friday, I wish. I hate it when the week feels like it is dragging. At least it has been a warm sunny week even though the kids & I have still been trapped inside. Ryan has to cut the grass this weekend so that we can see what kind of dangers are in the yard. Then we are going to put up the swing set so hopefully next week the kids & I can enjoy the outside. Saturday I am suppose to go shopping for an Easter outfit for myself, I am excited about it, since I have been losing weight it will be interesting to buy something new. I just received the bathing suit I ordered in the mail the other day it is really pretty one piece ofcourse I still have not lost enough weight to feel comfortable in a two piece, but I was happy to be able too buy a suit that was two sizes smaller that the one I bought last year! YEA!!!!!! Anyway I gotta go & change diapers (fun fun) & start lunch so TTFN!
Oh yeah don't forget that the clocks spring forward on Saturday!

Monday, March 27, 2006


glitter graphics
I am so happy to see the warm sunshine today! I have been waiting for warm days to come forever it seems! It has been a beautiful day today! I hope everyone's Monday is going good, mine has been good. I am suppose to have my mom & granny over for dinner tonight, I have had a pot of chili on all day & it is smellin gooooood! Anyway gotta go, blog ya later bloggers!

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Hello fellow bloggers! I really don't have much to blog about, so I guess I will just mainly ramble. So when is spring going to get here? I mean the first "official" day of spring was Monday, but I sure haven't seen to many signs of it yet. I am soooooo tired of this cold & dreary weather yuke! I am ready for warm sunny days where I can wear sandal's, I love sandals I probably own 15 different pairs. (Yes I have a shoe thing) I am waiting for Ryan & his dad to bring our new dining room set home, they should be here in about an hour or so. I haven't even seen it yet, someone Ryan's parents know is selling their old one & it is suppose to be really nice. Ryan has seen a picture & told me it was similar to his parents set so if it is; it will be nice. Anyway I guess that is all the ramblings I have for know so I guess I am gonna go! Blog ya later.

Monday, March 20, 2006

I Am Back!

Well, I am finally back. We are in our new house & we have everything unpacked; in place & clean, & it only took 5 days yikes! Anyhow it is finished & I am back to work. We are really enjoying the extra space. I still have to get a new swing set to put out back for the kids & I want some nice patio funiture, but that will all come in time. On another note, what is up with all this weather? I am so ready for spring & summer I cant stand it!!!!!!! I cant believe Easter is less than a month away & it is still cold outside & they are even talking about snow flurries WHAT!?!

Well, I was very happy to see that my blog buddies were back I was beginning to get lonely! I hope everyone has a great day! God Bless.

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Blog is Messed up!

I do not know what is going on with my blog, I guess I am going to have to delete it & start over. If I do have to do that it will have to wait until after we move. So anyway I guess I will take care of that later.

Friday, March 03, 2006


We have finally found a house! YEA!!!! I was beginning to get worried that we were just going to settle with just anything so that we would have a home. But once again God blessed us & we were able to find a home that was in our price range that had almost every thing we were looking for. As many of you know we had to lower or expectations of the "house of our dreams" because of loss of income, but that is ok! I believe the Lord put us where he wants us for now & that later on down the road if the good Lord allows we will once again be able to start the hunt for the "house of our dreams". I am very happy with the house I believe he has chosen for us this time, and I believe we will be very happy with it.
We have exactly 12 days until we have to be out of this house so keep us in your prayers that all will continue to go well. God Bless!