It's Me Again!


Thursday, August 31, 2006

Going to the Country

Miriam & I are heading for the country this weekend. Her Nana is wanting her to come so she can take Miriam to "Old Timers Day" It is like a fair or festival. She took Miriam last year & she loved it. Anyhow I have been trying to log on to the website for my new job, but my username & password are not working! AHHHH! I have emailed the help desk, but so far they haven't been any help! I haven't heard a word from them & I still haven't been able to log on. I have two weeks to log on & finish the certification process before I will be "deactivated" & start all over again which would stink since I started this process at the first of July & it has taken this long to get this far! Anyway hopefully I will hear something by the end of the day & can log on by tomorrow because I still have a lot to learn before I can get started. Ok well I have to go make lunch for the kids (hopefully that will end soon) blog ya later!


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