It's Me Again!


Thursday, September 07, 2006


Well, my story is quit a bit longer than Joy's so I am going to give you guys the abbreviated version. This is our Jr prom picture, it is one of the only ones of us together at that time in our life.

Ok so Ryan & I met in Biology class, on the first day of our sophomore yr. I was soooo not interested in him, he was not my type, he was "thugish" I was not in to that! , but he was persistant & finally on September 7th 1993 I gave in & we began to date! We of course have had our ups & downs most of them while we were dating. We broke up several times in the fist two years we were together, and we both dated other people, but never for long. We always wound up back together. Of course neither of us were living right, we moved in together in 1995. We lived together for two years before we got married, I wasn't even sure if I wanted to marry him anymore, but he had been going to Church with John & seemed to have changed so we got married on October 10, 1997. So as most of you know his "change" was sincere he got saved & began to live for God, shortly after I redeicated my life to the Lord. Everything hasn't been "peachy keen", but it has been good, we have had 11 1/2 years together just us; & 1 1/2 years with Miriam. God has truly blessed us and I believe He brought us together. So that is it in a nut shell, 13 years together & hopefully many more to come!


At September 07, 2006 8:25 AM, Blogger Hopes Ganma said...

Happy Anniversary! I love hearing how people met. I pray that God blesses you both with many more years ahead.

At September 07, 2006 3:00 PM, Blogger Joy said...

WOW!! That picture is so funny! You both look like little kids! haha! Good story! God is good. If it's meant to be, He'll make it happen!!! Congrats!

At September 07, 2006 7:47 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

how guys are great together. Many blessings. Ya'll really do look like kids, but I guess you were back then.

At September 08, 2006 7:40 AM, Blogger Andrea~Erin said...

Yeah! we were kids, ofcouse we thought we were all grown up! Its amazing to see the changes in our apperance.

At September 10, 2006 6:37 PM, Blogger Leebabies said...

I can remember y'all back then. It's crazy how time flies.


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