It's Me Again!


Saturday, March 31, 2007


Just sittin here once again on the computer working! Have been pretty busy up until a few minutes ago so I thought I would try to get a post in. Any how I was soooooo sick last night, Ryan & I went to the Gyro shop in Smyrna to eat, I had never eaten there before & he wanted me to try it. Anyway after we got home I didn't feel very well, long story short around 11:00 I was puking my guts out; Obviously I got food poisoning! So anyway I got up this morning not feeling a 100% but better than I did. Moral of the story, DON'T EAT THERE!!!!!

Ryan & I went to Lows & Home Depot today & got our azalea bushes for our front garden I love azalea bushes! I have a full grown one already on one side of the house & it is light pink, so today I bought a bright pink, a purple, a white & a color that is like melon. They are very pretty! I cant wait for them to get grown, I know it will take a while but if they take good root this year next year they should be almost double in size! Now all I have to do is go & dig up some of my moms lilac bush & plant it! I had planted one at the old house a year before we moved so I only got to see it & smell it one blooming cycle, & lilac bushes smell wonderful! Anyhow starting to get busy again so I better go. Blog ya later!!!

Tuesday, March 27, 2007


Ok well it is late, 11:41 pm & I am on the comp. working (if my thoughts get jumbled its because I am taking calls while I am trying to post) I still have about an hr to go before I get off. Anyhow these days it seems like I am just posting for my self, just to have something to pass the time because no one seems to blog anymore! So I guess i will just continue to ramble to myself. Anyhow I am so glad it is finally warming up! I am getting ready to clean out my pool & get it ready for summer; I cant wait!!!! I love to bask in the sun. I just love the sun!

So not looking forward to next week I have to help my mom paint the house! AHHH, now let me explain why this is going to SUCK! for obvious reasons of course, but to work with my mom on anything is a job in it self! She is extremely picky, judgmental & stands over your shoulder & dictates every move you make!!!!!! I am totally serious! Ok enough of that if I think about it to much I might have a break down! LOL!!!

Ok well I guess I have rambled enough it has taken me about 30 minutes to type this post because of calls coming in so I am gonna go! TTFN!

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

"Where have all the bloggers gone"

Does anyone post anymore? I know that Myself, Joy & Cathrine are the only ones who seem to post much anymore. Is everyone to busy these days to blog? Any way just wondering what was going on in blog world!

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Working Hard, Or Hardly Working?

Hey guys, hope everyone is having a good week! Spring is in the air & I actually saw a butterfly yesterday. My granny use to tell me that when you see a butterfly it means spring is here! WOOOOHOOOO! I am so ready for warm weather & sandal's! Yes I said sandal's, I love sandal's! Anyhow I am on the comp working right now, but I am not real busy at this very moment so I thought I would come in here & ramble! I am so use to working 60 + hrs in a week that I cant decide if I am "working hard, or hardly working", but you wont get any complaints out of me. I am really enjoying having a life again! Ok well back to work! TTFN!

myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics

Monday, March 05, 2007

"Welcome to the first day of the rest of your life!"

Good morning all, I am currently working on the computer right now. It is not real busy at the moment so I thought I would take this time to post! Oh & by the way I dont have any screaming kids in the background! WOOOOOHOOOOO! This morning when I got up it was glorious! I cant even begin to explain how nice it was to get up around 8am (instead of 6am) & being able to take my time & not have to rush to get diapers changed, kids dressed, get several different breakfast started for, several different kids. It was just me & Miriam. At first I was a little worried about the transition, but I have no doubts that I am going to love this! (If I loose my train of thought it is because I am taking calls in between typing this post) Anyhow, I hope everyone else is having a great Monday! I just want to thank God that he has blessed me & my family with this. Have a great day guys!

myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics

Friday, March 02, 2007


In about 2 hrs I will be from daycare forever! I am very excited, now I can try to do more of the things I have wanted to do ,like spend more time with Miriam & Ryan. Have more free time to spend with other family & hopefully even learn to scrap & be part of the Scrappin' Sisters! Ryan & I are taking a step out on faith, believing that this is Gods will & everything will be ok. Hopefully I will get to spend more time with my church sisters, I really have missed having adult female friends. I know that sounds pitiful, but when all you do is work with kids for 6 yrs for 60 hr + per week its hard to have time for much else! Anyhow I am free now; "Free at last free at last, thank God almighty I am free at last!"