It's Me Again!


Saturday, October 01, 2005


don't really know what to blog tonight, I went to a birthday party form my cousin's little girl who turned one! It was a long 2 1/2 hr dive one way. Anyhow Miriam & Corbin had a good time & so did the b-day girl.

Tomorrow is Sunday which I am happy & ill about, Happy cause it is Church day!!!! Ill because it is my last day off before Monday, AAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Lord has been after me to start singing again DON'T WANT TO!!!!!!!!!!!! I love to sing, just not in front of people..... Oh & get this the Lord is also after me to pull out my old piano books & my keyboard & start trying to remember how to play/read music. I stopped taking piano lessons at the age of 12, I would never have stopped taking them, but my piano teacher moved & there was no one else to teach it at the school I went to, anyhow its not like riding a bike it doesn't just come back to you so easy. I know stop making excuses & do it!! I am going to try to remember!! Pray for me!!!! Ok enough of that, gotta go. C-ya


At October 04, 2005 11:56 AM, Blogger Andrea~Erin said...

Thanks John!!


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