It's Me Again!


Monday, January 09, 2006

Missing you!

Yesterday was my dad's birthday & even though he has been dead since I was 7 we still celebrate his birthday, so Happy 51st Birthday Daddy!

Anyhow I went to church with my Mimi & Granny yesterday, & then went to their house to have lunch with the rest of the fam. This was the church that I was pretty much raised in. Anyway I really missed my Church, you never realize how much you depend on something until it is gone. I mean not to be mean, but being honest it was so cold & calice & boring, it was so uniform. I don't know if you get what I am trying to say, but I just didn't feel the love or the spirit of God at all. This church is one of the reasons it was so hard for me to come back to a church after I left home.

Ok so I just wanted you all to know that I really missed what we have at True Vine. I know that when I am there, I am where I belong! I love you guys!


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