It's Me Again!


Tuesday, January 10, 2006

On the Verge!!!!!

Hey guys I have had a really rough day. I am sooooooooo tiered I cant even begin to explain. Miriam is cutting her 2 year molars & she has been up screaming in the middle of the night for the past two nights. I know that this must be awful on her, but I am the one who is sleep depravated!!!!! Anyhow I am also on the Verge of diet failure ahhhhhhhhh! I am so tired & my worst enemy right now other than the devil is the scale. I lost about 15 to 20 pounds before Christmas & I weighed myself the other day & I am still holding steady at that same weight.
This as any dieter knows is very discouraging. I am at a plateau & I have to figure out how get past it......

Not something I want to do. Ok so you guy pray for me that I will stay strong & not give up, I am at this very moment getting ready to get on my bike & petal for 30 minutes, which I have been trying to talk my self out of all day long! Lord willing I will have a better day tomorrow. Hope everyone else is doing better than I am today.


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