It's Me Again!


Friday, June 23, 2006

Good morning bloggers! I decided I would blog for a few while the kids watched cartoons. I am currently looking on the web at tattoos, I am planning on getting one for my birthday. As many of you know I already have one it is of a tiger cub, I got that when I was eighteen. I guess in a way it was a rebellion because I knew my "mom" would have a fit,but I really had always wanted one so I picked a tiger because cats are my favorite animal. I never wanted to be one of those people who tattooed their entire body, in my opinion tattoos should always be in a place where they can be covered by clothing if need be. Anyhow I always wanted to get a butterfly tattoo with my child's & dads name in it,(if I was to have a child) now my bithday is just around the corner & I have decided to get it. This is the perferct year for it I will be turning 29 yrs old this year, exactly the age my father was when he passed & my birthday is one day before the day he passed. So it will be like a tribute to him as well as Miriam.(she is named after him) Anyway I know some people probably think tattoos are wrong (like my mom) & that is fine everyone has an opinion, but in my opinion I don't think there is anything wrong with it unless you are putting ungodly or satanic things on yourself. Ok enough rambling, I better go. blog ya later.


At June 23, 2006 8:29 AM, Blogger Trish said...

Where r u going to get it done at? If u go 2 Heavenly Rose I need to get mine touched up and I could go with you......

At June 23, 2006 11:42 AM, Blogger Hopes Ganma said...

I also have one and I am planning on getting two more. I am adding Hope's name to the one I already have, and Tuck is designing my other one that will have my kids names on it. I am determined to get it done as soon as I have extra money, but only if I can talk Rich into going with me. I dont' want to go by myself and no one in my family likes tatoos, and there is no way I will let Ash go with me.

At June 23, 2006 2:05 PM, Blogger Andrea~Erin said...

I am going to go to the one next to the hangman bar I think. That is the one I was refered to by several people. Is that the heavenly rose? The guy who did my first one is retired.

I will go with you Sherry if you need someone to go with you.

At June 23, 2006 3:36 PM, Blogger Hopes Ganma said...

Cool, and yes that is Heavenly Rose that Trish was talking about. Ashley got her first tatoo there over a year ago. And hers still looks good, I really need to get mine touched up again.


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