It's Me Again!


Thursday, August 31, 2006

Going to the Country

Miriam & I are heading for the country this weekend. Her Nana is wanting her to come so she can take Miriam to "Old Timers Day" It is like a fair or festival. She took Miriam last year & she loved it. Anyhow I have been trying to log on to the website for my new job, but my username & password are not working! AHHHH! I have emailed the help desk, but so far they haven't been any help! I haven't heard a word from them & I still haven't been able to log on. I have two weeks to log on & finish the certification process before I will be "deactivated" & start all over again which would stink since I started this process at the first of July & it has taken this long to get this far! Anyway hopefully I will hear something by the end of the day & can log on by tomorrow because I still have a lot to learn before I can get started. Ok well I have to go make lunch for the kids (hopefully that will end soon) blog ya later!

Wednesday, August 30, 2006


I can actually picture this, it cracked me up. I just had to share.


Two elderly ladies had been friends for many decades. Over the years, they had shared all kinds of activities and adventures. Lately, their activities had been limited to meeting a few times a week to play cards. One day, they were playing cards when one looked at the other and said, "Now don't get mad at me . I know we've been friends for a long time, but I just can't think of your name! I've thought and thought, but I can't remember it. Please tell me what your name is." Her friend glared at her . For at least three minutes she just stared and glared at her. Finally she said, "How soon do you need to know?"

Friday, August 25, 2006

Finally Friday!

Yea!!!!! It is finally Friday wooooohooooo! Man it amazes me how excited we get about this day, I mean even in school we looked forward to Fridays. Anyway, Yes I have changed my background again! I am just one of those people. I use to rearrange my furniture all the time, I had to stop that because my furniture has gotten bigger & heavier over the years so I guess changing my blog background helps suffice that urge. So no big plans for the weekend which I am happy about, seems like all summer we have had something planned every weekend. I am actually looking forward to hanging out around the house & in the pool!
Pool season is almost over; I always hate that. I miss my pool when I am not in it!
Ok well I am just rambling now so I guess I am gonna go. Blog ya later!


Thursday, August 24, 2006

New Name

I am on the hunt for a new blog name! When I start this new job, I will not have "KidsCominOutMyEars" any longer. I wont be changing it probably for about a month, but I figured I would ask all of you who know me best & anyone who wants to join in to give me some ideas. Remember I have about a month so do your best!!! Blog ya later.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

I GOT IT !!!

So I finally heard about that job I was hoping to hear about! Well, they offered me the Job! I get to work from home choose my own schedule from week to week, & I am still considered my own boss, It is still considered "my business" I am going to be an independent agent. I am very excited, Ryan is a little worried, but he was like that when I started the daycare & it has been sucessful. I havent told the parents yet, I am planning to try this new thing out for a few weeks in the evening when the kids leave to be sure that it is going to work out. Then when I am ready I will give the parents two weeks to find other arrangements. I am sure they are going to flip out, but I have been warning them that this day was coming. I have loved watching kids, but it is just becoming toooooo much. I am sure that any mother knows how much work it is to take care of their own, well just imagine taking care of your own plus 4 to 5 others for about 12 hrs a day. My typical day goes something like this;
Get up at or around 6am start brakfast for 5 kids (five different breakfast) sit them dwn, feed them, clean them up, change diapers ect.................Then do it again at lunch, & again & again & again! Then when they finally do go home at or around 6pm, I still have to fix dinner for my own family, clean the dishes take care of Miriam, & I still do pretty much all the house hold chores! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

I work monday - friday & I rarley get any time off, I litterley have to be on my death bed or have a major emergency to take a day off. When I do take the day off I hear nothing, but complaining from the parents.
Ok so with this new job I will be able to take time off whenever I need to, I work whenever I want & whatever hrs I want. That is going to be so great! I just pray that this works out for me & my family & thank God for sending the opportunity my way. Pray for me guys! Blog ya later.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

The "Kids Comin Out My Ears"!

Monday, August 14, 2006


I took this picture on Sat. Night. Never thought I would see the day when Ryan & Mario would be sitting & watching a football game with their daughters & have water to drink instead of beer. Isn't God Great!


Friday, August 11, 2006

Rainy Day!

Well, I have been feeling better, good thing since the weather is so dreary. I have decided that today is the day I am going to have to finally deal with that problem w/ a parent that I mentioned before. I called & left her a message this morning to call me so we could talk. I am sure she probably knows what it is going to be about so she wont be in any hurry to call. Anyway this is not going to be the easiest conversation, but would you continue to work at your job for free? No one would, so why should I be expected to. I just hope it doesn't end a friendship. Ok enough of that, on another note I have been trying to to stop smoking, have quit before so I know I can do it again, just not sure if I really want to. I mean you have to really want to before it will work. So far I have gone two days we will see how well it goes. Also I am debating on going back into the work force, not sure about that either, but I am thinking on it, will update you on that. Ok well I am rambling so I am gonna go. Hope everyone has a great weekend!

Thursday, August 10, 2006


Hey guys sorry I haven't blogged in a while, I just haven't had it in me. I think I have been on the brink of a emotional breakdown. I don't know exactly why, I think it is several things and they just seem to keep beating on me like a wave beats on the rocks. I know part of it is because I haven't taken anytime off this year like I usually do, so I am over worked & over stressed. Plus I may have to kick out one of my parents. I have been trying to help her as much as I can because I know she is struggling, but she is almost three weeks behind in paying me, and I just cant afford to keep doing that. We have been friends for so long that I am really struggling with this, but I have to run my business like a business. Anyway I have just been stuck in this
"dark place" for a week now and I am so tiered of it. Please pray for me. I really need God to shine the light so I can find my way out.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Today is a good day to take a dip in the pool!
Hope everyone else has a way to stay cool!

Tuesday, August 01, 2006


Oh my gosh! I had the worst dream ever last night. I didn't sleep well because of it & when I was finally able to wake from it I was terrified to go back to sleep. I dreamed that someone kidnapped Miriam! It was awful! I was probably crying & moving around a lot in my sleep. When I finally woke up I was tempted to put Miriam in the bed with me, but I just checked on her & went back to bed. It took me forever to go back to sleep & when I did I don't think I sleep very soundly. Anyway I hope I never have another nightmare like that one.