It's Me Again!


Thursday, July 26, 2007


Just sittin here "workin" It is a little slow right now so I just thought I would blog for once! Don't really have much to blog about, but I do have a Funny/shocking story! Customer called in to order a book, well we offer up sells to go with the main offer, I could tell right away that she was not going to be interested in anything else, but it is my job to offer them any way. Ok so we get to the up sell where I offer her the book on CD & she says" I DON'T NEED THAT; I CAN READ"! I am like ok no problem, then I ask her if she smokes or knows anyone who does (so I can tell her about a stop smoking book) & she say "NO; THEY ARE ALL DEAD, THAT IS WHAT SMOKING DOES, IT KILLS!"
Needless to say I was in shock at her responses & then after I got her off the phone it was all could do to stop laughing! It amazes me the things ppl come up with just because they don't want something, for goodness sakes how hard is it to just say "no thank you." Any way I get lots of strange calls you would not believe the wackos out there! Hope someone got a laugh out of this I know I did! TTFN


At July 28, 2007 7:35 PM, Blogger Joy said...

haha! reminds of my days in tele sales at ingram. people are so rude!!


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