It's Me Again!


Wednesday, November 30, 2005

The Legend of the Candy Cane
According to legend there was a candy maker who wanted to invent a candy that was a witness to Christ.
First of all, he used a hard candy because Christ is the rock of ages. This hard candy was shaped so that it would resemble a “J” for Jesus or, turned upside down, a shepherd’s staff. He made it white to represent the purity of Christ.
Finally a red stripe was added to represent the blood Christ shed for the sins of the world, and three thinner red stripes for the stripes He received on our behalf when the Roman soldiers whipped Him. Sometimes a green stripe is added as a reminder that Jesus is a gift from God.
The flavor of the cane is peppermint, which is similar to hyssop. Hyssop is in the mint family and was used in the Old Testament for purification and sacrifice. Jesus is the pure Lamb of God, come to be a sacrifice for the sins of the world.
So, every time you see a candy cane, remember the message of the candy maker: Jesus is the Christ!

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

I do believe in Santa; I do, I do, I do!!!!


Some of you may know that I have been on a diet for about two months now. I am doing very well with it right now. I even did good during Thanksgiving, now I just need to make it through Christmas!!!!! I am determined to get back to the size I was when Ryan & I were married. I still have a ways to go, but I am on the right track! If any of you are wondering I have lost almost 20 pounds.... What my seceret????? Well, first & foremost Gods help, secondly Very, Very, Low Calorie in take & exercise!!!!!!!! I try to burn 250 to 300 calories a day! Absolutely NO SWEETS!!!!!!!! That's right, none. I assure you this diet takes a great deal of will power. The first few weeks you will have mood swings, because your body is not use to you taking in low calorie's, but it does work My mom is a diettion (that is someone who tells people what to eat to be healthy & loose weight.) This is not a crash diet, this is a life style change & that is the key to any successful diet! Just think about it this way, When you got Saved did you continue to live the same life you did before you were saved? No, you had a life style change! Same principle with a successful diet! This change will not only help you to loose the weight, but keep it off!!!! Good luck to all my fellow dieters who ever you may be, & remember with Gods help anything is possible!!!!

Monday, November 28, 2005

Monday! Bah hum bug

Well, once again it is Monday! I know that you guys are aware of this but I just thought I might grind the knife a little farther!!!! Anyhow Had a good Thanksgiving, on Thursday I cooked dinner for me, Ryan & Miriam, as well as put up our tree, then I went to my moms for a short visit, then to Ryan's moms for a visit. Then on Friday I went shopping, I however refuse to get up early & I still got what I went for on sale!!! Then I went grocery shopping, went back to Ryan's moms & Saturday I just hung out, cleaned house, did laundry ext. Then Sunday went to Church & back to Ryan's mom's for our Thanksgiving feast with them. Ryan & Mario's Pop was in town & it was the first time he & Miriam have seen each other, she took to him very well!

Ok so now we are back to Monday BAH HUM BUG!
Anyway I have some really good pic's to share with you guys if I could only get my stupid blog to coroperate, AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!
Ok got that out, hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving!! C-ya

Thursday, November 24, 2005

Wednesday, November 23, 2005


Well, less than 24 hrs & it will be Thanksgiving day!
So Happy Thanksgiving to all!

Thanksgiving also means that Miriam & I will be decorating the house & the Tree!, this is a tradition in our home!!!!

Anyhow I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving!

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

It Works!!!!

My blogger is finally loading pictures again. I have been trying to load Mine & Ryans wedding picture since our anniversary last month.

Anyhow how here we are October 10, 1997. Eight years ago we were married. Like most of you Ryan & I were living in sin for years, Only 2 mnths before this picture was taken I was ready to call off the engagement & leave Ryan after being with him for 4 yrs. He was a alcoholic & a drug user & a low down dirty dog (cheater; I had my suspicions but couldn't prove it) Anyhow with John's help He got his life right with God, & shortly after I agreed to marry him. I am so thankful that God is a part of our marriage, if He weren't I know with out a doubt that Ryan & I would not have made it.

Sorry, like Leslie I couldn't afford a professional photographer so this is as good as it gets.

Monday, November 21, 2005

Happy Thanksgiving!!!!!!!


Friday, November 18, 2005


Hey guys, been a while since I could blog. I have been at my Grannys in Collinwood Tn. The tornado destroyed her house & she is VERY lucky to be alive. After seeing her house I know it was only by the grace of God that she is alive. Keep her in your prayers please she is 87 yrs old & has lived in that house all her life, They released her from the hospital yesterday & she is very upset about her home being destroyed. She is still in shock! She is staying with my mom right now. We just returned today, we have been working since Wednesday to try to save some of her belongings. Anyhow I couldn't find a picture of her house, but I found one of the Church that was partly destroyed, the church is just dwn the street from my Granny's house.

Friday, November 11, 2005


Great News! We finally got a court date for the finalization of Miriam's Adoption! YEA!!!!!!
I am so excited that we are almost at the finish line. After we go to court on Monday Dec. 19th & get the final decree we will also be able to go get Miriam a SSN. That has a been a big deal with lots of people since she came home, her not having a SSN. When she gets that she will officially exist! Isn't that crazy? To exist in America you have to have a #. Anyway hopefully when this is all finished & the New Year comes & goes we can start our plan to sell our house & move into a nicer, better neighborhood. Well gotta go for now, blog ya later!!!

Wednesday, November 09, 2005


This year for the first time ever in my life I will be cooking Thanksgiving dinner all by my self!
Ryan & I decided with him always having to work on Thanksgiving that is was just to hard for him to get up & rush to either his family's or my family's house to eat dinner & then have to rush to work! That is no fun for him & definitely none for me since I always get the bad attitude he has when he hasn't gotten the sleep he needs. Anyhow this year we are gonna do Thanksgiving with just our little family 'Me, Ryan, and Miriam'. Now as you can imagine this did not make my "mom" any to happy OH WELL!!!!!! His family was a little more understanding, they said they were gonna change Thanksgiving day to Sunday when Ryan was off, HAHA!
So I will be going to buy a turkey & all the fixins soon, this will not be the first time I have made a turkey so I am not to worried & I have been cooking since I was ten so I am not worried about that either, I am just thankful that I have a family to cook for & that God has given me the ability, the know how & as Ryan would say "The Talent" to cook. I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving, it has always been one of my favorite holidays probably my very favorite since I enjoy cooking, eating, & being lazy. hehe!

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Miriam & stuff

Yesterday we went to sign some paper work with Miriam's Lawyer. We are one step closer to getting this all finalized. We are now waiting for a court date so that we can finally be done. The lawyer said that we sould be done before the end of the year, lets hope he is right!!

Anyhow I took the day off yesterday to go to the dentist, but would you believe my luck, they called and canceled on me, can you believe a doctor canceled an appointment!! That has never happen to me before. They want me to reschedule, but I told them " It is really hard for me to take a day off, its not like I can just call in to the boss and say; hey I need the day off". I am the boss which means I have to plan at least a month in advance to find someone or give the parents enough time to find someone to watch the Daycare kids for me. I also have to make arrangements for Miriam since her daddy sleeps during the day. Doctors don't care about that stuff they just want you to drop everything & come in when it is convenient for them, ahhhhhhh! That is one of the reasons I quit nursing school & stopped working in the medical field I do not like doctors!
Ok well enough of that.
I did take the opportunity to finish my Christmas shopping. I had everything done, except that I waited to buy some stuff for Miriam thinking that Ryan would want to help, well he didn't so I just went ahead & finished it myself now I am done with Christmas except for the gift card I have to get to mail to Ohio to Ryan's fam, that can wait until right before Christmas.

I still haven't been able to upload pictures to my blog so I have decided just not to do it anymore, it is starting to get on my last nerve & I hate that kind of stress so I am done (for now)

Oh I forgot to tell you When I was at Walmart yesterday there was a big sign that said 47 more shopping days until Christmas!!!!! Today would be 46 more days, less than two months! Are you ready?????

Ok guys I am gonna go have some lunch now, Blog ya later.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Birthday & Halloween!!!!

Sorry guys for some reason my blog will not upload pictures, I have been trying since Saturday to upload some B-day party pictures with no luck! Any how I have to get off the computer now so I will try again tomorrow. Later bloggers!!

In case you were wondering!!!

Ryan has deleted his blog!!