It's Me Again!


Thursday, September 08, 2005

Our adoption journey!

Our adoption journey began about 2 ½ yrs ago.
We had been trying to have children for 6 yrs, we had no luck getting pregnant & the one time that we did I had a miscarriage at 8 weeks.
After that I began to do some soul searching & began to pray & ask God what he had planned for my life. Well, as you may have guessed adopting was his plan.

A co-worker of my husbands just happened to mention one night at work that her daughter had just adopted a baby from Guatemala & she had gone through an agency in Murfreesboro called Heaven Sent Children. This peaked my interest because I had already been researching agencies & adoption on the Internet, so I called Heaven Sent & had them send me their info to get us started.

When we made our decision on what country we wanted to adopt from we began our home study & the very long paper work process, be prepared this process seems to take forever. We started in September of 2003.
The following May 2004 we saw pictures of our now little girl Miriam she was six months old, but the pictures were of her at three months old. By July we got to see her up to date photos she was eight months old, I feel in love with her instantly.
By the end of July we were signing the paper work that would make her our daughter. That was very exciting!!!

Then we ran into some roadblocks. See adoption is not real high on the government’s priority list, so when they get your paper work it just kind of sits there. We actually had to get out Congressman involved to get things moving along again.

We finally got our travel clearance in May 2005; we left for India on May 4th.
No sugar coating it; the flight was awful!!! It was a 24 hr flight with 4 plane changes one eight hr layover in an Indian airport with no air conditioning, nothing to drink & no where to go to the restroom. When we finally arrived in India the car that was suppose to be waiting for us at the airport to take us to our hotel was not there. So we hired a cab to take us to our hotel, when we got to the hotel they did not have our reservations had no idea who we were. Anyhow to make a very long story short after we panicked & had a breakdown we got back in the cab went to the orphanage & got everything straightened out.

Then we finally were taken to see our little girl in person for the first time, we spent about three hrs with her the first day, and even though we were very tiered & jetlagged & Miriam had no idea who we were it was the most exciting day of our lives.
We spent 7 days in India before we returned home on May 13th. The return flight had even more plane changes & was worse than the flight to India.

Coming home with our little girl was the next best day of our lives, we were finally a family & there are no words to explain that feeling.
Since we have been home Miriam has blossomed from a shy scared baby to a very curious, & extremely happy little girl. See smiles at everyone & everywhere we go people tell her how pretty & beautiful she is.
God has truly blessed us with an Angel.
Even though the process was long, hard & extremely trying at times I do not regret it. I would recommend adoption to anyone interested and to anyone who can’t have children, it is truly a blessing.

“To conceive a child is an act of nature,
To adopt a child is an act of God,
To raise a child is an act of Love”.


At September 08, 2005 7:59 PM, Blogger Misty said...

i loved reading this story.... my husband and i embarked on a journey so similar to yours, just over two years ago. just as we were certain that we were to adopt an overseas child, God broght to us a tender 4 year old little american girl who had really been put through the ringer....
we have had her for two years this month and although we still have a long way to go before the adoption is finalized, we love her more then we ever thought we could!
Praise God for the story of your family, your daughter is beautiful!

At September 09, 2005 2:04 PM, Blogger Joy said...

Sounds good to me! You guys did go through quite a time, but I can tell that she's very happy and I know that it was worth every minute. Even the flight! :)


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